We are a family business founded in 1925 which in the beginning, it was just as a local moving business. As time went by, the business grew and had incorporated new services regarding the industry: First we added the international moving service, then the cargo transportation and finally the relocation service.
In order to expand our Company and offer these services, we have been loyal to our business strategy, supported by the permanent evolution and adaptation to the market’s needs, incorporating new technologies and constantly training our staff to reach the reputation that distinguishes us as one of the leading companies in the field.
Due to our business development and that we are members of the most important international trade associations of the industry, we have built up an excellent bond with the agents abroad, always fulfilling with the highest standards of quality. One of the main
It is oriented towards the easement of the international transport in every way: performing quality services at a competitive cost, satisfying the clients’ needs, being guided by the efficiency and responsibility, maintaining a balance among all members of the organization in order to achieve a constant and sustainable development.
We strive to be leaders in our activity, providing professionalism and flexibility, investing always in technology and innovation to adapt ourselves to the permanent changes, satisfying constantly our clients. Moreover, we are an environmentally conscious business.
We are a family business which, for more than 90 years, have had good relation with our contributors; our objective had always been to provide an excellent service to our clients.
We have a qualified staff with a wide experience in the area. We had also added technology so as to be a leader Company in our country and international recognition.
FIDI (Fédération Internationale des Déménageurs Internationaux)
Es la alianza global de empresas profesionales de mudanzas internacionales y relocation, especializada en el traslado de muebles y enseres personales de un país a otro, de un continente a otro, acorde a los más altos estándares de calidad
FAIM Quality Certification
Is the certification that every FIDI member must have. It is a quality standard program that incudes every operation and services of moving business around the world. This way, FIDI ensures final costumers of the associated business, an excellent service.
LACMA (Asociación Latinoamericana y del Caribe de Mudanzas Internacionales)
Was founded in 1969 and its membership consist of experienced and prestigious moving and relocation companies from Latin America and the rest of the world.
Corporate Social Responsibility Policy

Our commitment to the community
We strive to support the workers of our Company and provide them a good quality of life. We offer a comfortable and safe work environment where our workers feel comfortable to do their job. Moreover, Autogiro had been supporting the “Niños con Alas” Foundation for more than 15 years. This organization helps more than 2000 children from deprived neighborhoods to achieve a better education and values for their future life.

Environmentally conscious
We are aware of the impact that the waste of the companies and people have in the environment, That is why in Autogiro we use the materials being environmentally conscious and we are committed with the preservation of the environment by recycling plastic, paper, cardboard, and wood.